Join the war on ZONE or fame, bragging rights. Rewards are: Proving yourself to be the better Flash artist, Digital artist, Graphic artist, etc, etc. Defeating one of the most renowned artists on the web. Having your name known by anyone and everyone. Weapon of choice: ZONE-tan herself and your own personal character. Be creative. Be cruel. Be EPIC!
If this plan doesn't work then there's an alternative.
And that alternative is gathering strong voters against ZONE.
Voters of 5 are very common and easy to achieve.
Voters of 10 are rare and nearly impossible to find an anti-ZONE voter and would take almost 5 years to achieve that level.
Voters of 16 are the rarest kind and its population is literally 0.9 people, which means someone is about to reach the highest voting limit eventually. With patience, you'll spend exactly 13 years to reach the highest.
you want in?